ماري سيڠڬه BLOG ساي

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Cutest Spectacles ^_^


Well, i have been silent for more than one weeks..

The semester break is over. Oh yeah, now is the leisure time's up. I had to admit, this semester is tougher than the last, and of course..more pressure to. Third year of university is definitely not a breeze. I hope to do well, too. So, i have had to do quite a lot of studying compared to last semester.

By the way, the term 'busy' is not just to zoom in on my studies. For this semester, i wish to involve on 'amal islami' as well. Juggling the two together is, admittedly, quite a handful. Yet I hope I may be able to do it, with strength from Allah..biiznillah

Anyway, I had just buy a new pair of spectacles. A very nice pair too ^_^ , for it was quite expensive, and is said to last for quite a while.

Alhamdulillah..I can see everything clearly now, with my new cutest spectacles on. I was delighted that the world become so sharply focused, and I was be able to see everything so clearly again. There is no need to squint in order to observe things, no second guessing who are around me, and no more learning so near to the computer screen in order to see the screen well. Smiling, alhamdulillah..well said :)

We should be always thankful to Allah for His many blessings are countless and His mercy is great (see Surah Ibrahim: 32-34). We have had received so many things in life from Allah. Yet, how many of these gifts have we thanked Allah for? Astaghfirullah...

These gifts come into different people in different ways. It may be something as simple as a pair of glasses, or something we cherish such as laptop or cooler pad for laptop, or something Allah give special to somebody like a special talent, and so on.

Do we have thankful for all this? Let's muhasabah ^_^

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